Tiana 2018, HIF binding sites in HUVEC cells exposed to hypoxia.


Genome-wide maps of components of HIF alpha (HIF1A and EPAS1) and HIF beta (ARNT) in HUVE cells exposed to hypoxia.



From H. sapiens (Feb 2009 GRCh37/hg19).

ChIP-seq data:

Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 GSM2390643.sga HUVEC|ARNT|| ARNT GSM2390643
2 GSM2390642.sga HUVEC|EPAS1|| EPAS1 GSM2390642
3 GSM2390641.sga HUVEC|HIF1A|| HIF1A GSM2390641
4 GSM2390640.sga HUVEC|none|| none GSM2390640

Technical Notes

FASTQ files were extracted from SRA files using fastq-dump (SRA toolkit v2.5.0) and mapped to the genome using Bowtie2 v0.12.8. SAM files were then converted into bam using samtools v0.1.14 and to bed using bamToBed v2.12.0 (bedtools). SGA conversion was carried out using bed2sga.pl (ChIP-Seq v. 1.5.3).


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Last update: 1 Oct 2018